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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada


Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Report: 2023-24

ISSN 2818-7857

Date of Publishing:

Introduction to the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS)

The 2022 to 2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) presents the Government of Canada’s sustainable development goals and targets, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act. This is the first FSDS to be framed using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and provides a balanced view of the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainable development.

In keeping with the purpose of the Act, to make decision-making related to sustainable development more transparent and accountable to Parliament, National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat (NSIRA Secretariat) supports the goals laid out in the FSDS through the activities described in NSIRA Secretariat’s 2023 to 2027 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS). This Report provides a report on progress related to the NSIRA Secretariat’s DSDS in the fiscal year 2023 to 2024.

The Federal Sustainable Development Act also sets out 7 principles that must be considered in the development of the FSDS as well as DSDSs. These basic principles have been considered and incorporated in NSIRA Secretariat’s DSDS and 2023 to 2024 DSDS Report.

To promote coordinated action on sustainable development across the Government of Canada, NSIRA Secretariat’s departmental strategy reports on Canada’s progress towards implementing the 2030 Agenda and advancing the SDGs, supported by the Global Indicator Framework (GIF) and Canadian Indicator Framework (CIF) targets and indicators. The Report also now captures progress on SDG initiatives that fall outside the scope of the FSDS.

NSIRA’s Commitments

10. Reduced Inequalities

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

13. Climate Action

Goal 10 : Advance Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and take action to reduce inequality

  • Target Theme: Advancing reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis communities
  • Target: Between 2023 and 2026, and every year on an ongoing basis, develop and table annual progress reports on implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)
Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGs Results Achieved
Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Support the Government of Canada’s commitment to ensure a minimum 5% target of the total value of contracts are held by Indigenous businesses on an annual basis. Performance Indicator: Percentage of contracts awarded to Indigenous businesses.

Starting Point: In 2022-2023, 3% of NSIRA Secretariat’s total contracts were awarded to Indigenous businesses.

Target: 5% by March 31, 2025.
NSIRA Secretariat’s goal is to invite Indigenous suppliers to bid on goods and services where capacity exists in industry to provide ongoing opportunities to Indigenous businesses. Indicator Result: In 2023-2024, 3% of NSIRA Secretariat’s total contracts were awarded to Indigenous businesses.

Notes: NSIRA Secretariat has identified an additional supplier that is an Indigenous business and anticipates meeting the target of 5% by March 31, 2025.

Goal 12 : Reduce waste and transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles

  • Target Theme: Federal Leadership on Responsible Consumption
  • Target: The Government of Canada’s procurement of goods and services will be net-zero emissions by 2050, to aid the transition to a net-zero, circular economy (All Ministers)
Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target and, where applicable, to Canada’s 2030 Agenda National Strategy and SDGs Results Achieved
Support for green procurement will be strengthened, including guidance, tools, and training for public service employees. Integrate environmental considerations into procurement management purchasing decisions, processes, and controls.

Ensure decision-makers have the necessary training and awareness to support green procurement.
Performance Indicator: Percentage of procurement specialists trained on Green Procurement.

Starting Point: In 2022-2023, 0% of NSIRA Secretariat’s procurement specialists were trained on Green Procurement.

Target: 100% are trained the year they are hired.
NSIRA Secretariat will continue to reduce GHG emissions by incorporating environmental considerations into its purchasing decisions. Indicator Result: In 2023-2024, 100% of NSIRA Secretariat’s procurement specialists were trained on Green Procurement.

Notes: In 2023-2024, one procurement specialist was hired and has received training on green procurement.

Goal 13 : Take action on climate change and its impact

  • Target Theme: Federal Leadership on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Climate Resilience
  • Target: The Government of Canada will transition to net-zero carbon operations for facilities and conventional fleets by 2050 (All Ministers)
Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target Results Achieved
Promote sustainable travel practices. Promote the use of the Department’s video conferencing and teleconference facilities.

When video conferencing and teleconference facilities are unavailable, ensure travel policies and guidance promote sustainable travel practices.

Establish a program to offer employees access to OC Transpo/LRT tickets for NCR travel.
Performance Indicator: Percentage of NCR travel completed using public transportation.

Starting Point: In 2022-2023, 0% of NSIRA Secretariat’s travel used public transportation.

Target: 20% of total travel by March 31, 2025.
NSIRA Secretariat will take action to reduce travel or switch to less GHG-intensive modes of transportation, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Indicator Result: No result available.

Notes: NSIRA Secretariat has not begun to track this information.
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2023 to 2027 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

ISSN: 2818-7857

Date of Publishing:

Introduction to the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS)

The Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy ( describes the specific actions we will take to advance goals, targets or implementation strategies in the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS). It also sets out performance indicators, starting points, and targets that we will use to report on results.

Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

  • makes decision making related to sustainable development more transparent and subject to accountability to Parliament
  • promotes coordinated action across the Government of Canada to advance sustainable development
  • respects Canada’s domestic and international obligations relating to sustainable development, with a view to improving the quality of life of Canadians
  • supports Canada’s efforts to advance the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ( of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • (Legal framework is the Federal Sustainable Development Act)

What it means to NSIRA

  • Recent changes to the Federal Sustainable Development Act, 2020, mean that it now applies to many more organizations, including NSIRA
  • On November 2, 2022, the 2022 to 2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) was tabled in Parliament.
  • To ensure compliance with the Act, we must develop and table our 2023 to 2027 DSDS in Parliament on or before November 2, 2023.
  • We must also report on our DSDS once in each of the two years after it is tabled (which must also be tabled).
  • Updates to DSDS content (e. to introduce new or revised actions, performance indicators, etc.) may be done through a DSDS update process that can be aligned with Departmental Plan development.

2023 to 2027 DSDS
By November 2, 2023

2023-24 DSDS Report
Within one year
By November 2, 2024

2024-25 DSDS Report
Within two years
By November 2, 2025

Subsequent reports
By November of subsequent years

NSIRA’s Commitments

10. Reduced Inequalities

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

13. Climate Action

Goal 10 : Advance Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and take action to reduce inequality

  • Theme: Advancing reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis communities
  • FSDS target: Between 2023 and 2026, and every year on an ongoing basis, develop and table annual progress reports on implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target
Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. Support the Government of Canada’s commitment to ensure a minimum 5% target of the total value of contracts are held by Indigenous businesses on an annual basis. Performance Indicator: Percentage of contracts awarded to Indigenous businesses.

Starting Point: In 2022-2023, 3% of NSIRA’s total contracts were awarded to Indigenous businesses.

Target: 5% by March 31st 2025.
NSIRA’s goal is to invite Indigenous supplier to bid on goods and services where capacity exist in industry to provide ongoing opportunities to Indigenous businesses.

Goal 12 : Reduce waste and transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles

  • Theme: Federal Leadership on Responsible Consumption
  • FSDS target: The Government of Canada’s procurement of goods and services will be net zero emissions by 2050, to aid the transition to a net zero, circular economy
Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target
Support for green procurement will be strengthened, including guidance, tools and training for public service employees. Integrate environmental considerations into procurement management purchasing decisions, processes and controls.

Ensure decisions makers have the necessary training and awareness to support green procurement.
Performance Indicator: Percentage of procurement specialists trained on Green Procurement.

Starting Point: In 2022 2023, 0 % of NSIRA’s procurement specialists were trained on Green Procurement.

Target: 100% are trained the year they are hired.
NSIRA will continue to reduce GHG emissions by incorporating environmental considerations into its purchasing decisions.

Goal 13 : Take action on climate change and its impact

  • Theme: Federal Leadership on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Climate Resilience
  • FSDS target: The Government of Canada will transition to net zero carbon operations for facilities and conventional fleets by 2050
Implementation Strategy Departmental Action Performance Indicator Starting Point Target How the Departmental Action Contributes to the FSDS Goal and Target
Promote sustainable travel practices. Promoting the use of the Department’s video conferencing, teleconference facilities.

When video conferencing and teleconference facilities are not available, ensure travel policies and guidance promote sustainable travel practices.

Establish a program to offer employees access to OC Transpo /LRT tickets for NRC travel.
Performance Indicator: Percentage of NCR travel completed using public transportation.

Starting Point: In 2022 2023, 0 % of NSIRA’s NCR travel used public transportation.

Target: 20% of total travel by March 31 st 2025
NSIRA will take action to reduce travel or switch to less GHG intensive modes of transportation that will reduce GHG emissions.
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