Statement from the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency on its Review of the Government of Canada’s Production and Dissemination of Intelligence on Foreign Interference in the 43rd and 44th Canadian Federal Elections

Table of Contents

Date of Publishing:


On March 5th, NSIRA provided its classified report on the dissemination of intelligence on political foreign interference to the Prime Minister, and the Ministers of Public Safety, National Defence, and Foreign Affairs. 

NSIRA believes that it is in the public interest to report on this matter and will therefore issue a Special Report to the Prime Minister to be tabled in Parliament. The Special Report will further inform Canadians as to how the government is handling information about the threat of foreign interference in our democratic institutions and processes.

As required by the NSIRA Act, NSIRA is consulting with the government to ensure that this report does not contain injurious or privileged information. NSIRA looks forward to this process being concluded in a timely manner. 

NSIRA will not be speaking publicly about the results of its review until such time as the Special Report is tabled in Parliament owing to parliamentary privilege.


For more information, please contact:

National Security and Intelligence Review Agency


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