Tabling of the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency’s Special Report on its Review of the Dissemination of Intelligence on People’s Republic of China Political Foreign Interference, 2018-2023

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Date of Publishing:

News release

The National Security and Intelligence Review Agency’s (NSIRA) Special Report on its Review of the Dissemination of Intelligence on People’s Republic of China Political Foreign Interference, 2018-2023 was tabled in Parliament.

NSIRA’s first section 40 Special Report is a revised version of the classified report provided to the Prime Minister on March 5, 2024. In accordance with section 52(1)(b) of the NSIRA Act, NSIRA determined and implemented revisions necessary to remove information that could be injurious to national security, international relations or national defence.

This report is the culmination of a review that began on March 9, 2023, that focused on the production and dissemination of intelligence concerning political foreign interference in federal democratic institutions and processes from 2018 to 2023, including the 43rd and 44th federal general elections.

NSIRA evaluated the flow of this intelligence within government from the collectors of intelligence to consumers of intelligence, including senior public servants and elected officials. This work involved scrutinizing internal processes regarding how collected information was shared and escalated to relevant decision-makers.

The report includes 10 findings and eight recommendations, concerning three principal areas:

  • The Canadian Security Intelligence Service’s (CSIS) collection and dissemination of intelligence on People’s Republic of China (PRC) foreign interference in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections
  • The role of the Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections (SITE) Task Force and the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol (CEIPP) Panel
  • The broader flow of intelligence on PRC political foreign interference across the security and intelligence community between 2018 and 2023

NSIRA’s review involved direct access to CSIS and Communications Security Establishment (CSE) systems, as well as direct contact with CSIS intelligence officers working in the field. Overall, NSIRA reviewed thousands of documents, conducted numerous briefings and interviews, and received multiple written submissions from reviewed departments and agencies.

NSIRA will respond in writing to media inquiries about the contents of the review.


For more information, please contact:

National Security and Intelligence Review Agency


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