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Considerations for Selecting Review Topic
Categories Considerations
The Considerations Matrix uses objective criteria to identify review topics in accordance with NSIRA’s core mandate and mission. The prioritization of reviews is informed by additional strategic factors, including resourcing, ongoing reviews, and public commitments.
Non-Discretionary Reviews and Reports Annual Canadian Security Intelligence Service's Threat Reduction Measures (TRM). NSIRA will review at least one aspect of CSIS's performance in taking measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada. 
Avoiding Complicity in Mistreatment by Foreign Entities Act (ACA). NSIRA will review the implementation of all directions issued under the ACA.
Security of Information Disclosure Act (SCIDA). NSIRA will submit to the Minister of Public Safety a report respecting the disclosure of information under the SCIDA during the previous calendar year. 
As Required Ministerial Directions. NSIRA will review the implementation of significant aspects of every new or modified ministerial direction issued to CSIS, CSE, and any other organization if it relates to national security or intelligence.
Core Considerations for Discretionary Reviews Referrals from Ministers. NSIRA may review any matter that relates to national security or intelligence that is referred to it by a minister of the Crown. 
History repeats itself. Reviews of activities or programs with histories of non-compliance. 
High-Risk. Reviews of activities where the impact of compliance issues are vast. 
Circle Back. Reviews that follow up on findings or recommendations made by previous NSIRA reviews or emerging from NSIRA complaint investigations. 
Rules of the Road. Reviews that examine significant changes in the legal landscape governing  national security or intelligence organizations or activities.  
Making Good. Reviews that fulfil a commitment or objective outlined in public fora, for example in NSIRA's Public Annual Report.  
Following up. Reviews which address issue(s) raised during previous NSIRA reviews.  
Wide Lens. Reviews with a focus on horizontal themes and/or topics pertaining to multiple organizations across the national security and intelligence landscape.
New and Novel. Reviews of activities or programs that NSIRA has yet to examine.
Happening Now. Reviews that examine current or emerging national security activities or issues.  
Building Blocks. Reviews with links to previously completed reviews.
We're On It. Reviews that examine an issue or concern, or recommendation originating from another organization in the review or oversight community or concern matters of public controversy.
Working With Others. Reviews that involve cooperation with other review bodies, for example the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians and the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP.
Diversity. Reviews that relate to the government’s policies on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. 
Technology Considerations Dual-Use. Reviews of activities involving technology(ies) that can be used for more than one purpose.
New and Novel. Reviews of activities involving technology(ies) that NSIRA has yet to examine.
Big Data. Reviews of activities involving data warehousing, bulk data and/or data analytics.
Artificial Intelligence & Algorithms. Reviews of activities involving automated decision-making.
Bycatch. Reviews of activities that may involve the collection of personal information from non-threat actors.
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