Review of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service-Royal Canadian Mounted Police relationship in a region of Canada through the lens of an ongoing investigation


CSIS-RCMP relationship in a region of Canada through the lens of an ongoing investigation (NSIRA 2019-04)

NSIRA Recommendation: CSIS invest the resources needed to develop a broader range of sources of information in order to prevent further serious damage to the reviewed investigation.

CSIS-RCMP Response: Due to the variety of factors inherent in each investigation, CSIS always considers how best to collect information and mitigate threats, drawing on a number of tools and resources – in accordance with the CSIS Act and ministerial direction – dependent on the situation.

NSIRA Recommendation: CSIS and the RCMP prioritize the deployment of usable and compatible secure communications systems in order to make regional de-confliction more efficient.

CSIS-RCMP Response: CSIS and the RCMP are prioritizing the deployment of compatible secure communication. The CSIS Director and the RCMP Commissioner approved the development of a CSISRCMP Secure Communications Strategy, the implementation of which is already underway.

NSIRA Recommendation: CSIS and the RCMP continue to prioritize the timely implementation of recommendations from the Operational Improvement Review (OIR) in order to help address the operational shortcomings reported by the OIR and further illustrated in this review.

CSIS-RCMP Response: CSIS and the RCMP remain committed to implementing the OIR recommendations as well as the implementation of One Vision 3.0.

The OIR resulted in 76 recommendations, some of which include enhanced collaboration and information sharing in national security investigations, additional training for national security personnel, as well as the improved handling and disclosure of sensitive and classified information. Significant effort has been undertaken to ensure recommendations are adopted and implemented within both organisations. Some of the early successes include pilot projects such as the Leads Pilot that has resulted in enhanced CSISRCMP de-confliction within national security areas of focus.

The RCMP and CSIS continue to be fully supportive of implementing these needed changes to our organisations. This work, and efforts of the broader community, will ensure that the Government of Canada has a strong foundation of enhanced collaboration and the best tools available to mitigate threats and ensure public safety. This complex work however, is ongoing and challenges remain, particularly as it relates to the issue of intelligence and evidence. These significant challenges will require a whole-ofgovernment approach in order to address.

NSIRA Recommendation: CSIS and the RCMP develop a properly resourced complimentary strategy to address the threat examined in this report. In accordance with the vision set out in the Operational Improvement Review, the strategy should consider the full range of tools available to both agencies.

CSIS-RCMP Response: CSIS and the RCMP coordinate and collaborate on national security threats and use strategies and resources best suited to individual operations.

As a result of the OIR, discussions between CSIS and the RCMP are more frequent and occur earlier in the process which has reduced the duplication of efforts between both of our agencies

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