Review of Global Affairs Canada’s Global Security Reporting Program



This review focused on Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) Global Security Reporting Program (GSRP, or the Program). The review was selected given that the GSRP is a key component to GAC’s security and intelligence footprint overseas, with approximately thirty officers posted around the world dedicated and funded to collect overt security-related information.  GSRP clients have reported that the Program is both unique and valuable to the Government of Canada. This review is the first external review of GSRP and NSIRA’s inaugural review of GAC.

Many of the receiving states where GSRP officers work have poor human rights records and/or are environments where surveillance of foreigners and citizens is commonplace. As such, receiving state perceptions of GSRP activities have direct implications on reputational risk to Canada and its allies, to other Canadian departments and agencies (like the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), for example), to GSRP officers, and finally, on the local contacts used to help collect the Program’s information.

The review found a number of areas where the Program can improve, including more robust governance and accountability structures, additional oversight and attention to information management best practices.

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