Accessibility Feedback Process

Accessibility Feedback Form


The National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA) is committed to ensuring it is accessible to Canadians. Our objective is to identify and remove, as well as prevent, barriers to accessibility to the greatest extent possible.

Feedback, whether positive or critical, is an important means for informing NSIRA about barriers and potentially for identifying strategies to address them.

Feedback that may be submitted

In accordance with the Accessible Canada Act and the Accessible Canada Regulations, feedback may be submitted about:

  • the manner in which NSIRA is implementing its accessibility plan;
  • the barriers that NSIRA Secretariat employees encounter; and
  • the barriers encountered by other people who deal with NSIRA.

To request a description of the feedback process in an alternate format, or to provide feedback about NSIRA’s accessibility plan and any barriers encountered in dealing with NSIRA, please contact the designated recipient by mail, telephone, or e-mail.

Chief of Staff, Executive Director’s Office
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat
P.O. Box 2430, Station “B”
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5W5

Telephone: 1-833-890-0293

NSIRA thanks everyone for taking the time to provide feedback aimed at improving accessibility for Canadians.

Feedback Process

  1. The Chief of Staff, Executive Director’s Office, is responsible for receiving feedback about the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency’s Accessibility Plan 2022-2025.
  2. Feedback may be submitted anonymously or otherwise by using the Accessibility Feedback Form, which can be found on NSIRA’s website. Feedback may also be submitted by mail, telephone, or e-mail to:

Chief of Staff, Executive Director’s Office
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat
P.O. Box 2430, Station “B”
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5W5

Telephone: 1-833-890-0293

  1. Feedback may be submitted in either or both of Canada’s official languages (i.e., English and French).
  2. Feedback (other than anonymous submissions) will be acknowledged within ten (10) business days from the date of receipt. Acknowledgements and other exchanges (where applicable) will use the same means of communication as the originator.
  3. Feedback may be general or specific. It should be sufficiently detailed to enable the NSIRA Secretariat to determine whether it pertains to the accessibility plan or to any barriers or gaps that may have been experienced. In some instances, a contributor may be asked for more information to assist in clarifying the issue(s).
  4. The NSIRA Secretariat will track feedback, requests for information, and responses about the feedback process, including the date received and the way it was submitted. All information will be retained on file for a period of seven (7) years.
  5. When a request is received to provide the description of the feedback process in an alternate format, the NSIRA Secretariat will respond within the following deadlines.
    • For print, large print, and electronic formats – 15 clear days
    • For Braille or audio formats – 45 clear days
  1. All feedback will be reviewed to assist in improving accessibility at NSIRA. Depending on the nature of the feedback, it may be shared within NSIRA or with other organizations, such as central agencies or policy centers with whom NSIRA collaborates, for appropriate follow-up.
  2. The NSIRA Secretariat adheres to the requirements of the Privacy Act. Personal or identifying information about the feedback contributor will only be shared for a use consistent with identifying, removing, preventing barriers to accessibility.
  3. The NSIRA Secretariat will report on the feedback received and the action taken in its Accessibility Progress Report.
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